My precious & oh so fabulous grandmother Mary passed away September 2015. Our relationship was really special - she loved me to pieces & she was like a second mother to me. She had a rare spark to her personality & a zest for life that most people don't possess. I know everyone thinks that about their loved ones but she really did - trust me. She wasn't only vivacious & kind but she was also pretty glamorous. I always kind of knew it but looking back at old pictures she was quite the trendsetter. She didn't always have the most money, but luckily, she knew how to sew so if she couldn't afford the newest trends she would just make them. Needless to say, my two sisters & I always had the best Halloween costumes not to mention my sister's First Holy Communion & Confirmation dresses - they were the kind of special & beautiful garments top dollar couldn't buy - even if we had it to spend.
My grandmother's hair thinned out at a very young age. At the time "pieces" & "falls" were in style & she was young & hip enough to know how to style a wig in the most natural & flattering of ways. No one ever really knew. People consistenty thought she was at least 10 years younger - not just because of her wig or makeup applications (even though that helped) but because of her personality & impeccable way of putting herself together. She was 100% honest - it was hysterical. When people would compliment her hair she would laugh & say "this wig"?! I wonder subconsiously if this had anything to do with my early interest in hairstyling - I'm sure it did.
Right up til the day she passed Mary always knew what was in style & fashion. Wether she approved was another story- she asked me at a family wedding if I thought I was one of those realtors from Bravo with that tight suit on?! She also mentioned once or twice that I was wearing my hair real high like some of the men on television. Ha! You know of course I took them as a compliments.
So quite honestly it came as no surprise to me when I found "Beverly Sassoon's Beauty for Always" under her coffee table when we were cleaning out her home. I just had to take it with me. I had never even heard of the book & don't know if it was any good in it's day but honestly I don't care - I had to have it. The title says it all. It serves as a reminder how eternally beautiful my grandmother was - on the inside & out.
Cheers - Hal