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Spring has sprung & it's time to refresh your regimen from the harsh winter & give your beauty collection new life with fresh new additions & some spring cleaning.

It's around this time of year that I take inventory of all my beauty products & look at where to go from there!

As a general rule of thumb hair products only stay good for about 3 years. So anything clogging up your precious bathroom space collecting dust & creating clutter that may be expired or you haven't used in forever has to go!

Next you gotta clean out those brushes & combs. The industrial Ship Shape brush cleanser I soak mine in at the salon is actually available on Amazon. But if you'd rather you can actually just soak your brushes in the sink or a bucket after you've cleaned out any excess hair & then hand clean them with a toothbrush & some more shampoo. I've had people tell me they wash theirs in the dishwasher or washing machine but I've actually never tried it.

Oh & here's a novel idea - you can use one of these nifty little brush cleaners daily so it won't get too bad!

Last but not least it may be time to pick up some products to help your hair in the warm and humid months. For instance you may want to pick up some humidity blocking products & pack away for the moment all the heavier products you were using to add moisture to your hair in the dryer months. To make a long story short - the same products you were using all winter may be counterproductive in the summer months.

So when you're getting all crazy doing your spring cleaning give your hair products & tools a little love too!

Cheers - Hal

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