Hi Guys! I'm so excited to announce my collaboration with Lovely Daizies! The ladies at Lovely Daizies want to bring heart to the business of beauty & I want to bring beauty to the 'burbs' - so it's clearly a match made in heaven - or hell depending on how you look at it! We had waaaaaay too much fun in studio on this project. And of course you all know I have a deep & unending love for fake hair. Always have - I think it started with my grandmother & my sister's Barbies but that's another long story - today I'm here to talk about these amazing clip-ins.
Lovely Daizies is a fun & feminine beauty brand that sells super high-quality & super easy-to-use clip-in hair extensions. So for starters, the hair is obviously premium 100% Remy human hair. But what luxury extension brands aren't these days?! What makes this brand different? Well I'll tell you - like I said - the ladies of Lovely Daizies want to bring heart to the business of beauty. With each purchase, a loan will be made to Kiva.org to help women fund their dream business venture who wouldn't otherwise ever have access to a loan. Want to learn more just check out lovelydaizies.com & make sure to follow these lovely ladies on social media.
So I guess the question is how do I fit in? Well I had the absolute pleasure of styling the ladies & models of Lovely Daizies for the launch of their website & am an ambassador for the brand. Not to mention a super fan of the product & these ladies. I can't believe I got paid for it to be quite honest - these ladies are as beautiful & lovely on the outside as they are on the in. Just thought I'd share a few of the bts pics & some of their professional shots here at hairbyhal.com - but to see more of my work & their amazing product & story check out their website. I look forward to sharing more about clip-ins & my work with Lovely Daizies throughout the next few months. .
And most exciting - you can to to Lovely Daizies and use the promo code hairbyhal to get $10 off your set! If you have any questions on what to order you can hit me up here or the ladies through lovelydaizies.com.
Here they are all together - Daisy, Ivy & Annie - the faces behind Lovely Daizies. Oh & I must not forget to mention these ladies are after my own heart - their night was not complete without Chardonnay.
OK - so here's the real money shot. Just kidding, just kidding. Of course the ladies look as beautiful as always - I on the other hand look as haggard as I often do at the end of a shoot. And I must have been feeling professional bacause my chardonnay didn't come out til the end of night!
Last but certainly not least - all photography was done by the talented Brittany Bevenour. I personally have the luxury of working with Brittany on the reg but the rest of you should go check out more of her work at brittanybevenour.com.
If you have any questions about the product or clip-ins in general feel free to contact me or Lovely Daizies.
Cheers - Hal