Hey people! Hope you're having a great week!
My weeks lately have been kinda crazy. I was in a car accident - no worries... I'm safe & sound which I know is what's really important - but it's literally taking foreverrrrrr for my car to be repaired. My apprentice was soooo sick & pretty much missed a week of work - and lets be real that was pretty much hell for me! And I think I had a case of the winter blues... aka feeling kinda white & doughy & just overall blah. I know... woe is me... these are all first world problems get the hell over it. Which is what I did! With a little help from this week's obsessions.
And BTW as always my weekly obsessions are NEVER sponsored in any way, shape or form - these are all really things I love that I just feel like sharing.
So here it goes.
Have you guys tried these little gems. Whenever I'm feeling extra pale or doughy looking I slather my body with these bad boys. They're essentially Lysol wipes that make you tan... and I honestly can't get enough!

After I slather myself with self tanner & bronzer I sometimes end up looking a little dry... especially in the winter months. I'm not actually really sure if this is due to the bronzers, the dry air or the aging process?! But either way it's never a good thing when a client informs you of how dry your face looks. She recommended this product & I LOVE it! I spray it on my face after I bronze up & it leaves my skin looking more rainforesty then the dried out desert effect I was giving.
Enough with what you can see on the outside. How about what really matters like how we feel on the inside?! I've been upping the ante lately with everyone being sick & myself feeling a little worn from winter with my Vitamix. Yes... I know... it's expensive. But I swear you can throw pretty much whatever you want in this sucker & it's drinkable. This way I'm making sure I get all the fruits, veggies & antioxidants to give me a little kick start to spring.
I recently listen to "You're a Bad Ass" by Jen Sincero on Audible because I needed to grab my negative attitude by the balls & kick it's ass. And this book did the trick. Someone recently asked me if I had the button & I was like whaaaaaaat? I did not! I didn't even know it existed! She brought it in for me & I keep it at my station for whenever doubt or self sabotaging thoughts try to enter my mind. I just push that button & it delivers a motivational phrase to keep my thoughts in the right place... my fave of all the little things it says of course is "You Are a Bad Ass."

Last but not least I cannot even begin to explain the level of obsessiveness I have experienced with Gus Kenworthy & Adam Rippon's stellar representation of the LGBTQ community at the Olympic Games. If you're not familiar with them I would start by checking out their instagrams & going from there. When Gus kissed his boyfriend on live NBC coverage before his heat I almost cried I was so proud of the example he was setting for young gay people who may have been watching at home. And Adam's unapologetic, zero f's given positive behavior is so refreshing to see on TV I cannot even tell you. It's actually hard for me to even put into words how badly I wish people like Gus & Adam were out there doing there thing when I was a young person. And to be honest it doesn't even matter where they ended up in the medal count... they came out winners as far as everyone I know is concerned.
What are your obsessions this week or your thoughts on mine?
Cheers - Hal