Now normally our Easter tradition is to visit family in the Poconos but this year my sister & her family decided to travel for Spring Break & return home from the west coast late the day before Easter & have to be back to school the day after so it would obvi be too much for them to go just for the day.
This puts a major crimp in my plans because as y'all can figure I am not down with celebrating the holiday without my little dolls. So plans got switched up & as it turns out I'll be hosting Easter this year which I've never done before! Gasp! Nah... jk ... I can handle this - with lots & lots of help from my mother.
So needless to say I've been doing a ton of research on what to do when entertaining for Easter & I can't wait to share how everything turns out! I'll share pics later but in the meantime here are the 5 things I'm obsessed with so far this Easter season.
If you've seen any of my home decor you know I loooooooove mercury glass. So needless to say when I saw these mercury glass eggs at Home Goods I had to buy one. Wellllll between my mercury glass obsession & the price being just right I went a little overboard... and I love every second of it! I did a little vignette on a console in the living room & another one on the dining table.

This is something I've actually done every New Year's Day & have done on Valentine's Day too so this is a no brainer for my Easter entertaining & will def help me get through the day!

If you follow me on Insta I always share treats I make the kids for each season & holiday so you know this isn't a new thing for me. I get super into it - especially because I HATE baking so I have to make up for it in some way! I'm actually not a fan of the taste of Peeps so I plan on ripping mine off before eating so lets be honest - this one is more about a cute presentation!

I'm not looking to drive myself crazy with dishwashing so when I saw this on Pinterest I was like yasssssss! And I bought the plastic silverware & napkins at Party City & already had the twine at my house. So it's inexpensive & can all go straight into the garbage! But most importantly super adorable.

I actually saw Shannon from the Real Housewives of Orange County doing this for her kids on an episode & I knew I just had to do it... yes I'm copying a Real Housewife... are you really surprised? The Easter baskets I have for my niece & nephew are a little babyish & they looooove the water so this is a perfect alternative.

So that does it. What are you obsessed with at Easter? Or better yet what are cute things you do or serve when you entertain for the holiday?
Cheers - Hal
oh & btw don't forget to check out instastories this weekend - I'll be sure to share pics of how everything came out!