You guys know I love a good theme & will run with it to the extreme. So obviously I just haaaaave to revolve all my posts this week around Easter! This week's #hairtiptuesday is to add a little Easter flair to you hair.

And why pre tell restrict our Easter accessories to kids?!
On a personal note you guys know that not only are Tuesdays for sharing hair tips but they're also the day I usually babysit my niece & nephew - but this week they're in California for spring break. I half miss them horribly & half desperately need the time to get ready for this weekend's Easter brunch - it's the first time I'm hosting & I'm kinda nervous!
And to top it all off I'm pretty much working 40 hours in the salon between Wednesday & Saturday so I have to put on my big boy pants & really focus on taking care of business. But I'm feeling pretty optimistic - I've gotten so much done today it's crazy... can't wait to share it all this weekend!
Happy Easter!
Cheers - Hal