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So do you recall when I was going crazy that everyone was rushing fall & all I wanted to do was enjoy the rest of summer? Felt like just yesterday.

Remember last year when I did my "12 Days of Holiday Hair"? Well it was a huge hit & I decided to bring it back.

So basically what I'm getting at here is I'm gonna be that annoying person who's rushing the holidays by talking wayyyyyy too early about holiday hair.

But in my defense it really is important for you to start booking now before appointments with your fave stylists are all taken up. And I can't share all 12 looks if I don't start posting early... giving you time to choose a look for you, master it or make an appointment for your stylist to teach you or more likely do it for you & order whatever clip-ins, products, accessories etc. you may need to complete the look.

So without further ado.... let's discuss the bubble pigtail trend. This is kind of a polarizing one... I know not everyone's gonna go ga ga over but others are gonna love.

I think this is a super cute look & the best part is you can do it in a cinch without even a bobby pin! All I used are dark hair bands & some volume powder to fluff up the bubbles.

So what do y'all think about the bubble pony trend? Is this something you'd give a try?

Cheers - Hal

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