People have always told me that things fly be faster & faster as you get older & in my youth I added that to the list of all the things I thought wouldn't affect me... you know... the "no... not me" syndrome.. But I have to say this year... and especially this holiday season flew by like none other. I guess that would be the only thing I would possibly change about the season... that it could last a little longer.
I was blessed with an absolutely fabulous holiday season... Christmas in Bucks County was straight out of a Hallmark movie & New Years with my family was the best way I could possibly think of to kick off 2019.

And lets not even mention how fulfilling spending time with my niece & nephew this time of year is... they're still the age where they make the holidays magical. From setting up the train & Christmas village, to decorating the tree, baking & decorating sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, ice skating, the Christmas villages dowtown, Christmas Eve mass, brunch & dinner, the Pentatonix concert... I literally could go on & on. If there was something that could be done to celebrate the season we did it!
And it was pretty darn busy in the salon & on the blog too. Which only added to all the hustle & bustle of the season.
I had a pretty fun partnership with Turkey Hill eggnog & had a blast creating our Hallmark Christmas Movie gift sets!

I also shared looks eight through twelve in my "12 Days of Holiday Hair" series. I honestly can't believe this series is over either?! It was so fun creating all these holiday inspired looks that I think I'm going to prepare a little poll either here or over on Instagram to share all 12 looks & find out which is your favorite!

Also to check out this month's #hairtiptuesdays just click here & for each Friday's #whatimobsessedwiththisweek click here. I shared so much holiday hair inspo that even though the season is over you can save for next year!
To be honest so much happened this month I know I'm only sharing the tip of the iceberg but you get the picture.
How were your holidays?
Cheers - Hal