If you've been following along you know this is the part of the week where we get all personal & I share some mostly hair un-related things I'm obsessing over. And you also know that I took a week off during my mini social media detox last week. I'm used to sharing more than this so I feel some withdrawal symptoms lol.
So much happened I am barely able to summarize it here... but I'll do my best.
Between working almost 50 hours in 5 days leading up to spring break, to a six day trip to the Bahamas to working one more massive day the Saturday before Easter to hosting Easter Sunday brunch! Never a dull moment for almost two weeks. Holy moly I think I'm still recovering!
But nonetheless lets try to focus on what we're here to really talk about... the Friday Five... the five things I'm obsessed with this week.
As I mentioned I took some time off of social media the week leading up to Easter Sunday. OK I can't lie... I did share a ton of what I was doing on Instagram stories for fun but I kept it light & easy breezy. I didn't treat it like it was my blogger responsibility to be on 24/7 & it was honestly so refreshing... I strongly suggest it. Full disclosure... the first hour or so I was there my phone was being all crazy until I got on the resort's wifi & my international plan kicked in & I was going crazy... it was then that it was obvious to me that I am addicted to my phone. So this trip was a really wonderful opportunity for me to put my devices down & to spend time with my family & focus on what was really important. Have you ever tried a social media detox?
My family had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Atlantis in the Bahamas for spring break & it was in one word... AMAZING! Have you ever been to the Atlantis? The weather was absolutely perfect the entire time. From the accommodations to the night life, casino, restaurants & bars, to the shopping & aquarium, to the water slides, pools & ocean... there was so much to do I'm really only scratching the surface. If you can't have fun there than you better check to see if you flatlined because there's seriously something for everyone.
Here are just a few of the pics from the vacation. There are so many I love I can't even share them all without becoming an annoying freak! But who am I kidding I have to share them all... I think I may just sprinkle them in over time so I don't overkill it with you guys!

I hosted Easter brunch at my house again this year & if you were following along on Instastories then you know I went all out! Brunch turned out great... with a TON of help from my mother of course... c'mon give me a break... didn't we just discuss what a crazy week I had?! But I am completely responsible for this adorable tablescape... I just love how it turned out.

This is what I read on vacay & I strongly suggest it. For the record I too thought the notion of not caring was kinda gross. But that's not at all actually what the author is suggesting. The overall idea is you can't care about every single thing that happens in life or it will be debilitating. You also can't care about nothing or you'd basically be a psycopath. Instead you have to choose what it is to care about that will bring the most to your personal life & well being. I'm not doing it justice... you gotta give it a try!
Some have accused me of getting a little carried away with my Cricut but to those people I say.... you're probably right but I don't care! I made these summer themed travel toiletry bags for spring break & summer travel & they came out so cute!

So there you have it... these are the five things I'm obsessing over this week... how about you... how was your holiday & spring break?
Cheers - Hal