April showers bring May flowers... right?! Especially these last few months we've gotten so much precipitation there better be a whole damn garden of flowers. Well that's all fabulous & all but what's a girl to do with her look on all these rainy days?!
You can prepare with some Hunter boots, an umbrella & a go to rainy day style.
What's a rainy day go to style?!
I'm not sure what this means to you & it will probably depend on your hair length. But for most it would include some combination of topknot, pony tail or braid. Basically anything to get the hair off your face & tucked away from the humidity.

Perfecting some version of this on yourself will help you get through the rainy, spring weather in a fun & fashionable way. And the best part is you don't have to worry about perfection - the more tousled & textured it looks the better.

If your hair is finer or texture free then I've got the spray for you! Amika's Un.Done Volume & Matte Texture Spray.
Happy Tuesday!
Cheers - Hal