So you spent all your time & money getting your hair perfect for summer - now don't blow it!
Don't let the sun & heat fry your hair & ruin your color. You're looking for long beachy waves - not fried & frizzy. Here are my favorite tips to keep your hair healthy & beautiful all summer long.
- Cover up! - keep your hair covered as much as you can to protect it from the sun.
- Reduce the Heat - let your hair air dry when you can - if your hair is way too frizzy to air dry you might want to consider a smoothing treatment like the Brazilian Blowout or putting it up in a loose & comfortable style or braid.
- Detangle, Detangle, Detangle! - use a wide tooth comb or your Wet Brush from ends to roots to loosely detangle hair - don't rip through your hair causing damage & breakage. The wet brush is my obvious fave & they're coming out in fun summery & tropical prints!
- Stay Hydrated - drink lots of water to keep your hair & skin hydrated & healthy.
- Get a Dusting - ask your stylist to regularly give you a dusting - cutting off just the littlest amount to prevent splint ends & promote hair growth.
- Mask It! - put your favorite mask in your hair & put it up loose & comfortable - let that mask bake in the sun - when you shampoo & rinse it out your hair will thank you for it.
- Heat Protection Spray - use a spray to protect your hair from harmful UV rays when you know you're going to be in the sun for a long period of time. We protect our skin & eyes - why not our hair too?!
Now go have a blast & look your best doing it!
Cheers - Hal