Wow it's hard to believe June flew by so fast... why can't winter fly by as fast as summer does?!
There is always so much for me to focus on in June... everything from my mother & Samantha's birthdays, Father's Day, Summer Solstice & Pride just to name a few!
And the blog was pretty darn busy too!
For the month's worth of Hair Tip Tuesdays... mostly focusing on summer hair care click here.

And for the month's weekly obsessions & Friday Fives click here... including this past weeks which was completely dedicated to Gay Pride.
If you are anywhere near as obsessed with the sun, the smell of summer & Kerastase as I am than you really need to check out our June product of the month. To do that click here.

Click here to check out my best summer hair care tips.
And I also did a super fun post on the five things NOT to do when getting your hair done... to see that click here.
As always over on social media I shared four styles of the week.

And four hair quotes too!

And last but not least the most liked & viral image of the month is this one!

Which I find super validating because I really felt like having my entire family in one place was the perfect opportunity to get a family photo. And trust me it was like pulling teeth... especially to sell the idea of coordinating outfits. But I love how it turned out & it feels great to know you agree!
So that was my June in a nutshell.
How was yours?
Cheers - Hal