Well lets just start by stating the obvious... if you know anything about me then you already know that I'm in the one percent of the population who is NOT ready for fall until the beginning of October.
I'm in so super rush to go back to work five days a week & I can do without the boots & socks... as a matter of fact the first time I wear a shoe that requires a sock I go into summer mourning.
And can I also say that September is THE hardest month to dress... it's so discombobulating when you see someone in shorts & a tee shirt the next person is in a straight up flannel. I have to honestly say that transitional dressing is something that the majority of people... including myself often... simply do not get right.
That being said... I DO love fall, Halloween & the holidays so much it's not even funny... I'm just not really ready to embrace them til summer is really over & the heat goes away.
But I guess I'll end my rant now & discuss the five things I was most obsessed with this week... I took a break for a week or two but now I'm ready to get back in it!
I love being scared! It's so much fun to me... and the trailer for the new season of AHS scares the living hell out of me. Just the trailer alone is so spooky that I'm not even sure if I can handle the real thing!

Have I mentioned yet that I think September is still summer?! lol Despite basic bitches running around in UGGs & flannels if it's still in the 80s then I'm still gonna be by the pool. You know what's funny though... when the kids are there they dominate me & they can be so wild but when they're not it's so quiet & boring... I swear you can't please this bitch.
The "Hamilton" tour came to Philly & of course I had to go & of course I loved every single last second of it!!!! It completely lived up to all the hype for me personally. The only bad part about the whole experience is that it was the final show in my seven part series... so sad!

No this isn't a Starbucks drink... that'll come up later. This is a fragrance from Bed Bath & Beyond. My sister had it at her house & it was perhaps the best thing I've smelled in a while. I act like I'm more bougie then this but truth be told if I like something I don't care where it comes from! According to her you need to buy it when it comes out because it's only on the shelves for a little bit so I promptly stole one of the three lotion & body spray sets she bought for myself. But no worries.... you won't be smelling it on me until closer to October.
OK so I might not be ready for a traditional pumpkin spice latte until closer to fall but leave it to Starbucks to come out with their first new pumpkin drink in sixteen years & have it be a cold one so I don't feel as weird drinking it in September. And oh my gosh if you haven't tried it yet get one... it's sooooo good!

Well there you have it... those are my #fridayfive. What are you obsessed with this time of year?
Cheers - Hal